A Shock by Any Other Name? Reconsidering the Impacts of Local Demand Shocks (with Sean Bassler and Kevin Rinz). In progress.
Peer Effects and Marriage Formation (with Michael Baker and Susan Carter). Under review. Manuscript available upon request.
When Fairness Matters: Cross-race Responses to Intentionally Fair Treatment (with Matthew Harvey and David Nickerson). Under review. Manuscript available upon request.
Forthcoming. “Granular Income Inequality and Mobility using IDDA: Exploring Patterns across Race and Ethnicity.” (with I. Kondo, K. Rinz, N. Gubbay, B. Hawkins, and J. Voorheis). In Race, Ethnicity, and Statistics for the 21st Century. R. Akee, L. Katz, and M. Lowenstein, eds. University of Chicago Press. CES WP. NBER WP.
2024. “Changing Stability in US Employment Relationships: A Tale of Two Tails” (with Raven Molloy and Christopher L. Smith) Journal of Human Resources. 59(1); 35-69. OIGI WP (newer) NBER WP (older)
2023. “Demographic, social, and behavioral correlates of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in a representative, population-based study of Minnesota residents” (with J. Abhold, J. Mulcahy, S. Walsh, E. Zapeda, R. Demmer, S. Yendell, C. Hedberg, A. Ulrich, R. Wurtz, and T. Beebe). PLoS ONE.
2023. “Making Big Decisions: The Impact of Moves on Marriage among US Army Personnel” (with Susan Payne Carter, West Point - OEMA) Journal of Human Resources. 58(3): 713-754. Lead article. Pre-publication version NBER WP IZA DP
2023. “The Economics of Internal Migration: Advances and Policy Questions” (with Ning Jia, Raven Molloy and Christopher L. Smith). Journal of Economic Literature. 61(1):144-180. IZA DP
2021. “Who’s In and Who’s Out under Workplace COVID Symptom Screening?” (with Krista Ruffini and Aaron Sojourner) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Published version (ungated), Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis OIGI WP (ungated) and NBER WP.
2020. “Disparities Old and New in U.S. Mental Health under COVID-19.” Fiscal Studies. 43(3): 709-732. Special Issue: The COVID-19 Economic Crisis. (with Zachary Swaziek). Related working paper with broader outcomes: Disparities and Mitigation Behavior during COVID-19. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis OIGI WP (May 2020). Data Appendix.
2020. "What Explains the Rising Share of U.S. Men in Registered Nursing?" Industrial and Labor Relations Review 73(1): 91-123. (with Elizabeth Munnich). CEG Working Paper 2017 version
2017. “Labor Market Transitions and the Decline in Long-Distance Migration in the US.” Demography. 54(2): 631-653 (with Raven Molloy and Christopher L. Smith). Accepted version. Portions of this previously circulated as “Declining Migration in the US: The Role of the Labor Market.” 2014 NBER and FEDS working papers.
2016. “The Effects of College Education on Health.” Journal of Health Economics. 50(2016): 99-114 (with Kasey Buckles, Andreas Hagemann, Ofer Malamud, and Melinda Morrill).
2016. “Understanding Declining Fluidity in the U.S. Labor Market.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 2016(Spring): 183-237 (with Raven Molloy, Christopher L. Smith, Riccardo Trezzi).
2015. “Discrimination and the Effects of Drug Testing on Black Employment.” Review of Economics and Statistics. 93(7): 548-566. Online appendix.
2012. “Racial differences in inequality aversion: Evidence from Real World Respondents in the Ultimatum Game.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 84(2): 600-617 (with John Griffin and David Nickerson). Accepted version with online appendix.
2012. “The Impact of College Education on Geographic Mobility.” Journal of Human Resources. 47(4): 913-950 (with Ofer Malamud). Accepted version
2012. “Timing Is Everything: Short-Run Population Impacts of Immigration in US Cities.” Journal of Urban Economics, 72(July): 60-78 (with Thomas J. Murray). Accepted version
2011. “Internal Migration in the US: Updated Facts and Recent Trends.” Journal of Economic Perspectives. 25(3): 173-196 (with Raven Molloy and Christopher L. Smith). Proofs
2011. “Labor Reallocation over the Business Cycle: New Evidence from Internal Migration.” Journal of Labor Economics. 29(4): 697-739 (with Raven Molloy). Accepted version
2011. “Attitudes and Perceptions in the Labor Market for Less Skilled Black Men.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 70(3): 811-844. Published version
2010. “Are College Graduates More Responsive to Distant Labor Market Opportunities?” Journal of Human Resources. 45(3): 944-970. Accepted version
2007. “Product Markets and Paychecks: Deregulation’s Effect on the Compensation Structure in Banking.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 60(2): 246-267. Accepted version